“When you do nothing you feel overwhelmed and powerless. But when you get involved you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better.”
Growing up, I had a distant relationship with nature and animals. My family didn’t get a dog until I was in high school. My parents never took me and my sister to national parks, and we rarely even went to the local park. Getting outdoors and in nature was just never a family activity.
And yet, as a kid, I was heartbroken to hear about the football fields worth of trees that were bulldozed every minute in the Amazon rainforest. I couldn’t watch sad movies about animals or anything on National Geographic showing the harsh circle of life. I couldn’t stand seeing an animal get hurt, and yet, I still ate meat.
I was a bundle of contradictions.
I started to make the connection years later when I came across a headline about “sick animals making us sick”. Animals in factory farms are bred and raised in such horrific, inhumane conditions that they have to be pumped with antibiotics just to keep them alive long enough to be killed for food. That was the day I gave up meat, although it took a few more years until I became vegan.
Like many who have had an awakening, I was overcome with the need to do anything to help animals. The most immediate thing I could do was to start a blog. I am a copywriter, and instead of writing calls to action to convert a prospect into a customer, I wanted to turn apathy into action.
Why "The Ant's Meow"? Ant is my nickname, I have two cats, and this is my call for people to have greater compassion for all living things.