Vegan 21-Day Sugar Detox: Day 15

Well, the final week of the vegan sugar detox is finally here. I'm feeling great, my clothes are fitting loosely and comfortably (I no longer feel like I'm being vacuum-sealed into my clothes), and I'm actually kind of sad that this sugar detox is winding down. While I will go back to occasionally eating foods with sugar, I am feeling confident that I can stick with my vegan lifestyle.

More importantly though, my diet is now completely aligned with my beliefs ... and it feels freakin' good. (There's something to be said about the constant inner turmoil of living a contradiction and how it adds to the stress.)

Brunch: Diane Sanfilippo's Grain-Free Banola (Vegan Version)

I've been meaning to try this recipe from Diane Sanfilippo's 21-Day Sugar Detox book. Since it's Sunday and I have more time on my hands, I figured I should try something new. Plus, I'm sure you're all probably tired of seeing the same pics of food on this detox.

Ingredients I used for this particular recipe (adapted from Diane Sanfilippo's recipe):

Prep Time: 10 minutes     Cook Time: 30 minutes     Servings: 7-8

  • 2 cups of raw pecan pieces and raw almonds slices (this will be partially ground)
  • 1 cup of raw almond slices 
  • 1/4 cup raw sunflower seeds, unsalted
  • 1/4 cup raw pumpkin seeds
  • 2 tbsp raw hemp seeds
  • 1/2 cup almond meal
  • 2 green-tipped bananas 
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp raw cacao powder (I used Sunfood Super Foods Raw Cacao Powder)

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Use a food processor (I used a Ninja) to partially ground the 2 cups of pecan pieces and almond slices into small chunks. Pour the ground nuts into a large mixing bowl and add the other cup of raw almond slices, seeds, raw cacao powder and almond meal. *Note: If you don't have almond meal, simply use the food processor to pulverize the almonds into almond meal consistency. 

Put the bananas, vanilla and cinnamon into the food processor and blend until all the ingredients are pureed into a smooth, creamy consistency. Pour the puree into the bowl of nuts, and stir until the nut mix is completely coated.

Scoop the nut mixture onto a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. You can either drop dollops of the mixture and flatten each one out like a cookie, or you can smooth it all out into one thin, flat layer (as pictured). 

Bake for about 30 minutes, or until golden brown. Check on them every 7-10 minutes, especially in the beginning since oven temperatures vary. Turn them over once or twice to ensure they're dry on all sides. Remove from the oven and let it cool. Store in the refrigerator for up to a week. 

Diane's recipe says you can eat it plain as a snack, or with your favorite milk alternative as cereal. I actually enjoyed the taste and texture before I baked it. It was like a cinnamon banana pudding with granola. Yum!!  

Lunch: Diane Sanfilippo's Roasted Cauliflower Soup (Vegan Version)

This soup looks nothing like the one featured in Diane's book even though it's adapted from her recipe. She uses bone broth, but I used vegetable broth that included ingredients like carrots and tomatoes, hence the reddish color. I also added asparagus because I needed to use it before it went bad. 

Here are the ingredients I used:

  • 1 bag of cauliflower florets
  • 3 tbsp coconut oil, divided
  • Himalayan salt and pepper to taste
  • Garlic powder to taste
  • 1/2 cup diced onion
  • 2/3 cup diced carrot
  • 3 1/4 cup vegetable 

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Spread a thin layer of the cauliflower over a baking sheet (I lined mine with aluminum foil). Melt 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and drizzle over the cauliflower. Liberally season with Himalayan salt, pepper and garlic powder. Roast the cauliflower for about 30 minutes until lightly brown around the edges.

While the cauliflower is in the oven, prep the rest of the ingredients. Heat 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in a pot over medium heat, and add the onions and carrots. Sauté until the onions are translucent and the carrots are soft. Add the asparagus and sauté for about 2 minutes. Pour in the vegetable broth and reduce heat to low. Let simmer for about 10 minutes.

Set aside about 1/2 cup of roasted cauliflower for garnish. Put the rest of the roasted cauliflower in a blender along with 2 cups of the vegetable broth. Make sure not to fill the blender too much because hot liquids expand. Cover the blender firmly with the lid, but remove the center "valve" and use a thick kitchen towel to cover the hole. Blend on low, and just before it's done, blend on high to create a creamy texture. You can either add this blend to the soup that's simmering, or you can blend the rest of the broth in small batches. I ended up blending the rest of the soup. 

Serve the soup with the reserved roasted cauliflower as garnish. You can also drizzle some extra-virgin olive oil or truffle oil.

Snack: Japanese Sweet Potato Fries

Japanese sweet potato fries

Japanese sweet potato fries

Dinner: Tofu Asparagus Marinara with Quinoa

Tofu asparagus marinara with quinoa

Tofu asparagus marinara with quinoa

  • 1 bottle of Trader Joe's Organic Tomato Basil Marinara Sauce
  • 1 can of organic fire roasted tomatoes
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 1/2 bundle of asparagus, chopped
  • 1/4 container of Trader Joe's organic sprouted tofu
  • Himalayan salt to taste
  • Garlic powder to taste
  • Onion powder to taste
  • cooked quinoa, seasoned

Put the marinara and fire roasted tomatoes in a pot. Slowly bring it to a light boil. Add the asparagus and bell pepper, stir, and increase the heat to low-medium. Let it simmer for about 5-8 minutes. Add the tofu and let it simmer until desired thickness. Serve over a bed of quinoa or spiralized zucchini.

Vegan 21-Day Sugar Detox: Day 8

Well, it's the start of the second week on the detox. It has surprisingly gone by pretty fast so far. I don't know if it's because of the food I ate last night, but I woke up with a raging headache. Thankfully it went away about an hour after taking Excedrin.

Breakfast: Vegetable Coconut Milk Curry with Quinoa

Once again, I was too hungry to remember to take a picture of my meal before chowing down. I'm sure this dish will be a regular on this detox so I will take a picture of it next time. 

Lunch: Black Beans in Veggie Quinoa Soup

This wasn't so much a soup as it was a vegetable quinoa dish. Since I still had a tupperware of cooked black beans, I added it to the quinoa. I topped it off with salsa and guacamole since the two take anything to the next level of yum. 

Snack: Sweet Potato Fries

This was prepared similarly to the Japanese sweet potato fries. The only difference is that these can get too mushy to cut with a mandolin slicer so you have to be careful not to over-boil it. Start out with 10 minutes but check frequently to see if it's soft enough to use on the mandolin. Fry small batches in a wok for even frying and less mess. Put the fries onto a plate lined with paper towel. Season with Himalayan salt and anything else you want for a punch of flavor. 

Dinner: "Not Your Momma's Black Eyed Peas Soup"

For once, the two hearty meals I had today along with the sweet potato fries kept me pretty full well into the night. Even though I wasn't really hungry, I ate a small serving of the leftover "Not Your Momma's Black Eyed Peas Soup". I added my go-to condiments on this sugar detox: salsa and guacamole! So far I've shown no signs of getting sick of them. I could practically eat them by themselves. 

Vegan 21-Day Sugar Detox: Day 6

Excuse the delay in posting. I fell asleep really early last night (Friday) because I haven't had much sleep all week and I've been feeling drained since the detox started. I've lost about 2 lbs so far, but I'm really not concerned about my weight; I care more about how my clothes fit ... and yesterday it was a lot easier to slip into my skinny jeans--not as constricting as they have been.

Breakfast: Black Bean & Veggie Fiesta with Quinoa

I finished the remaining leftovers with salsa and guacamole. I've realized that a black bean and quinoa combo is the easiest way to have a hearty meal. Not too surprising since they're loaded with protein and fiber that keep you full longer:

  • 1 cup of black beans (cooked, unsalted)  has 15 grams of protein and 15 grams of fiber
  • 1 cup of quinoa (cooked) has 8 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber

Snack: Sunflower-Flax Seeds and Almond Mix

I still can't get over how good this seed and nut mix is! This will definitely become my snack and dessert staple. It's truly cookie butter meets graham cracker crust meets granola. Ah-mazing! 

*Important Note: To achieve the near-exact taste of cookie butter, it's crucial that you use the ingredients below instead of any variations of them. My boyfriend made another batch and used a different brand of sunflower seeds that were salted as well as some hemp seeds and it totally changed the taste. 

  • Trader Joe's Roasted Sunflower Seeds (Unsalted)
  • Trader Joe's Golden Roasted Flax Seed Whole Seeds (Unsalted)
  • Trader Joe's Sliced Raw Almonds

Lunch: Cauliflower Apple Pecan Salad

Snack: Sunflower, Pumpkin and Hemp Seed Mix

Seasoned with Himalayan salt, garlic powder, onion powder and thyme

Dinner: Japanese Sweet Potato Fries

Fried Japanese sweet potatoes in a wok

Fried Japanese sweet potatoes in a wok

This is only listed as my dinner since I accidentally fell asleep before eating my actual dinner. This was more of an appetizer--one that kicked off the weekend right ... because who doesn't like fried food on a Friday?! It puts the "fried" in "Friday"!


  • 3 Japanese sweet potatoes (of course, the more fries, the merrier)
  • Himalayan salt
  • Garlic powder
  • Onion powder

Boil the sweet potatoes for 7 minutes to soften them. Then use a mandolin to slice them into fries. (I have the blue Kitchenaid Mandolin Slicer Set.) This recipe used the wider of the two julienne cutters, but if you like shoestring fries, use the thinner of the two but be careful when frying because they burn extra easily. The best way to fry them is in a wok in small batches; it's easier to clean up and there's less chance of burning them. Fry them until golden brown and transfer them onto a plate lined with a couple paper towels. Season immediately to let the flavors really set in. Feel free to season them with herbs and spices. I'll probably play around with different seasonings next time.